Staff Fill Stockings for the Empty Stocking Fund

A group of Freedom employees and their children spent Tuesday night helping the Empty Stocking Fund pull together Christmas gifts for needy children. The Empty Stocking Fund (ESF) collects new, unwrapped toys for distribution to local children who would otherwise go without. Additionally, ESF collects food goods and monetary donations for local families in need. Collection begins several months before the holidays. Freedom has supported the ESF with collection efforts at all branches for many years now.
Pulling together the “stockings” is a fun process. In a warehouse full of collected goods, volunteers select a variety of toys, games, clothing, books, grooming supplies and other gifts appropriate for each individual child. It’s a wonderful way to spread the joy of the season.
A large collection of items that we’ve collected this year will be picked up for the Empty Stocking Fund today, replenishing the supply of goodies for distribution. Thanks to the members and staff who contributed supplies or funds to the effort!