Credit Unions: A Community Asset at Home and Abroad

Credit Unions are a community asset: Irish Credit Union marked in GaelicI was recently in Ireland and while there were many amazing sights, there was one recurring thing that caught my eye. It seemed as though on every road I traveled and in every town I visited, there was a credit union. They were at the heart of the community. Maybe not as easily detectable in a big city like Dublin, but town after town there was a credit union like these, some with the name entirely in Gaelic.

It reminded me how relevant and important a local credit union is to its members and the community.  Sure they provide the financial services, products, etc. one could need, but a credit union is much more. Credit unions represent you, the members who own it.  They employ local people, make local decisions and support local businesses and communities. While the physical locations may not always be on main street like the ones pictured, rest assured that for Freedom, the hometown pride and commitment is as strong as if we were right next door to your local sweater shop, toy store or pub.
