Fast, Secure and Easy Access — Anytime, Anywhere!
Bill Pay
Simplify your monthly bill payments. No checks, no postage, no mail — just set them up and we’ll handle the rest.
- Demonstration video.
- To Sign Up, call our Contact Center, or enroll online.
- Bill Pay support call 877-576-9936. Bill Pay support is unavailable from 2:30 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. each day, but is available at all other times.
Digital Wallets
Pay for goods and services right from your mobile device. Digital wallets allow you to securely link your debit or credit card account information and pay right from your Apple, Samsung, or Android mobile device.
direct deposit
Using direct deposit means not having to deal with a check. It also means it’s easier to pay yourself first — save money by directly putting a portion of your pay into savings.
You can automatically deposit your regularly recurring government or pension check by signing up at Otherwise, talk with your employer about setting up direct deposit.
Electronic Check deposit
Freedom’s e-Statements give you faster, more secure access to monthly statements, right from your online banking account.
- Enroll in online banking to get electronic statements
- Video demo of how to enroll for e-Statements
- You must be able to see pdfs in order to receive your statements electronically
Funds Transfers
Transfer funds from one financial institution to another (FI2FI), or transfer funds right to an individual!
- Person to Person (P2P) Transfers
- Bank Transfers, aka Financial Institution to Financial Institution (FI2FI) Transfers
mobile app
Bank through your mobile device with the Freedom FCU Mobile Banking app for iPhone, Android, and iPad.
- Free Android app at the Google Play store
- Free Apple-friendly app on iTunes
- App overview
- Mobile App FAQs including detailed instructions for depositing a check from your mobile device
Online Banking
Forget worrying about branch hours. You have 24-hour banking online, any time!