Wanted – Reliable Psychic

Kreskin's ESP Board Game


When I was young I remember a man known as The Amazing Kreskin.  While he claimed to be an entertainer, his appearances mainly focused on being a mentalist or psychic with ESP (Extra Sensory Perception).  I remember ESP being quite the rage in those days and we even had a Kreskin ESP game that tested your powers of ESP.  I think we all believed that with the included “mystery pendulum” we could answer all of life’s important questions about love, career, finance and travel (as it touted on the box cover).  Oh to have that mystery pendulum right now.

Of course, the truth today is that none of us can predict what’s next and, like the reality of Kreskin, it may just come down to what you want to believe to get you through the day and on to the next.  There are so many suggestions, so many differing opinions, so much data (both accurate and misleading) that our best bet is to do the best we can, keep each other as safe as possible and keep smiling.  When Freedom made the decision to modify operations we put out an end date of April 30th.  That’s obviously not happening.  Two weeks from now is too soon given the available and reasonable information so the message now is that we will operate under current conditions for the foreseeable future.  I wish I could give you an exact date, but again, no mystery pendulum.

Don’t be discouraged though.  The uncertainty of when branches open to the public is minor in the grand scheme.  We’ll do it when it’s right.  While other businesses may be under a great pressure to reopen fully, thanks in large part to our tireless staff, Freedom is positioned to weather this storm without loss of jobs or placing anyone at increased risk.  Many of our employees still go out every day to perform an essential business.  I want to acknowledge that we appreciate their commitment to our members. Thank you!

I am so proud of the efforts of our staff.  Yes, I can get emotional about this sort of thing and go a little over the top, but I don’t know how else to be when I see the commitment, flexibility, adaptability, smiles, perseverance all in the face of a difficult situation.  So, while I’m not psychic, because of the unyielding dedication of our staff and the loyalty of our members, I can see a very bright future for all of us.

CEO Image

Meet Freedom’s President and CEO

Mike MacPherson has over 35 years of experience in the financial industry, including more than 12 years with Freedom before becoming President/CEO in 2016. Born and raised in Baltimore County, Mike is a graduate of Mt. St. Joseph High School and Towson University. Mike now resides in Harford County, which he has called home for over 30 years.

He likes to blog because it helps him connect with members on a human level. He says, “It’s not just about what products we offer; it’s about what we stand for, why people should join, and spreading the credit union message with greater reach and purpose. If we want people to understand our culture, that we are trying to be something special, we need to give them the insight from a personal viewpoint, not just as a business.” He believes passionately in our community, our employees, our mission of giving back, and providing members with financial products and services that lead to their success.